Monday, February 13, 2012

Keep on Learning and Growing...

I have said in the past I hate's a highly respected and globally used software.  I just couldn't quite figure it all out on my own.  The past few months, and especially this weekend, I spent time with my enemy.  I was open to learning about how I could work with it...and bam!  I get it!  It's not really hard, just have to devote some time to it.

I do most of my photo editing in LightRoom, another adobe product, that I mostly was able to teach myself.  I like the fast lane to learning and LightRoom got the job done for me.

With that, I try to be open to all new things and ways of doing things.  But, if it works how you are doing things, that's ok, too.  So, I am happy to have some new skills in my photographer's tool chest and plan to use them all!  :)  What do you want to learn but just haven't gotten to it?  What's holding you back?

Thursday, February 2, 2012

High School Seniors are Awesome!

It's been such a great experience working with high school seniors.  I am blown away by how sweet they are, they are open to try new things and have fun.  Their spirit is pure and they are excited about their future.

Soon, I will be looking for some Rising Seniors...Rising Stars for the class of 2013.  I will be announcing what you will get to work with me and represent Debbie Ellis Photography to all of your friends.  Be sure to be following my page on facebook!

Who wants to have some fun?
