Sunday, May 15, 2011

A contest is afoot! :)

No, not having a contest about feet...just trying to be silly/funny!  (only baby feet are really cute, don't you think?)

This is my first contest winner's new baby girl's foot.  Since I have completed her session, I wanted to do another contest.  This contest will help us both!  Do you know someone having a baby soon?  Do you need to give a gift to someone having a baby? (contact me for affordable shower gift of a session) 
Are you having a baby?  

My contest is this...refer me to friends/family on fb to like my page of people who are having babies in the next nine months, or even those who just got engaged/married that will have a baby someday.  Let me know you did in the comments section below, and you are in to win a full session *up to two hours with location changes and outfit changes up to six people.  And, even more?  A $35 print credit.  

This will run for one get busy!  Ends Sunday, May 22, 2011.  Thanks so much for your kindness and support! :)

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Finding available light

As a photographer, I hate (yes, hate) using the pop up flash on my camera.  I don't care to use my bigger flash on my camera, either.  Sometimes you need to, but mostly, you really don't.  All of these photos were taken during NEIPP finding the available light inside on a grey, rainy day on Cape Cod.

Learning and Applying...

It's been a wild six weeks here!

In March, two of my prints won awards at the New Hampshire Professional Photography Association's annual conference.  I was thrilled and look forward to entering more next year and aiming higher!  It's nerve wracking as you sit in a dark room and one print at a time is judged by a high level of photographer from the PPA.  Another goal achieved...many more to come!

April, I attended the New England Institute of Professional Photography in April and have been so busy ever since!  I am so excited about all I have learned and where my photography business is headed.  I am trying to juggle it all, as usual for me.

Stay tuned for fun new clients and photographs!
