Saturday, November 28, 2009

The C Family!

We had a fun time capturing some great pictures with good friends at their home.  Enjoy these fun and spirited six and eight year olds!

So Much to be Grateful for!

As life unfolds, we learn about how blessed we really are.  Yes, there are challenges, but life is good.  We are all healthy and working together as a family and with a great community of friends.

I hope you are celebrating this time of Thanksgiving giving thanks and remembering all you have.

If you have a grateful attitude and spirit, you will create more to be thankful for.  Try and think of five things daily to be grateful for; writing them down is best.  This is one of my ongoing goals, I hope you will think of making it yours, too.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Thursday, November 19, 2009

An afternoon at the Inn; perfect for photos!

My first professional photoshoot! November, 2009

The Journey Begins

So many emotions come when I think about launching my new business.  There is so much to do!  I have spent a lot of time learning and practicing and now it is time to jump and share my craft.  I look forward to helping many capture special moments forever!

New business launch special is coming soon...but if you are short on time and want something before the holidays (and are in New England) please contact me and I will see what we can do.

I look forward to being your family's personal photographer.
