Monday, January 25, 2010

A Princess turns 4!

One of the ways I want to share my services is to be your family's photographer at your events.  How many times have we run all around at our child's birthday party trying to get all the important moments with our cameras.  It really adds to the stress of the day when you are running a party.  It's nice to have someone there, like me, to act as a quiet guest focused only on capturing the moments of the day.  I am happy to do this affordably for your family while I am portfolio building.

Here are some shots of a recent Princess Party.  What a lovely party it was and I was thrilled to be invited to capture the girls.

Monday, January 18, 2010

Happy New Year

It's been a wild and wonderful month for our family.  One daughter in the Nutcracker, then off to Disney World, come home to the week of Christmas, family visiting, New Year and both girls' birthdays, separate parties this year....phew!
I have taken a large number (understatement) of pictures throughout our adventures and will be posting them soon.
I just wanted to take a minute to wish you a Happy New Year.  I love the clean slate, new start feeling.  It's a great time to come up with big picture goals and action plans.
It's going to be a great 2010!  Lets get busy making memories together.
