My first job is a full time mom to two girls, 8 and 6. This summer, we decided to forego summer camps in exchange to be together and join the local swim and tennis club. We had a blast! Days started with sleeping late and off to swim lessons for 10:50, lunch and then tennis lessons and more swimming. While there was a certain amount of whining and complaining; the girls and I had fun, learned new skills (with coaxing from the lifeguards) learned to jump off the diving board and how to properly hit forehand and backhands.
Yesterday was the last day to swim at our club. We swam and ate dinner with friends. The summer is winding down.
The girls started school last week. Both of my cherubs are in school full time now. Long days for all of us. So far, so good. I have been reflecting on the past 8+ years in my mom career...thinking about how long the days used to seem, stressing from 4-6 when my oldest had colic and cried endlessly and into toddlerhood when she didn't walk on time. One worry spilled onto the next but soon was resolved. Spending time with my new mom friends, the days seemed endless. Enjoyed all the fun of gymboree classes, my first moms' group in Seattle (when my oldest was ten days old!), days walking our dog to Lake Washington in the jogging stroller and just swinging in the little bucket swing at the park.
Playdates grew and evolved. Now they pick their own. They have opinions and perceptions of their own. As I try to celebrate each phase, and each one is amazing, truly, I like to remember those long days at the beginning. Driving home with just one cherub in the back seat thinking "I have the best job in the world". I do.
I know here I am a Photographer. But, I want people to know I am much more than that!
Enjoy your babies, the rollercoaster of parenting....soon enough your cherubs will walk on the big yellow bus. Thank God they still come home at the end of the day! And, I am so lucky to be able to be home with them and hear all about their day, host playdates, drive them to cheer practice, etc. I am lucky, too, to have found and developed my passion of photography! I have the best of both worlds. Funny, can't write that without hearing Hannah Montana singing in my head.